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Terms of Service

Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing the Creatlie APP. As a condition to and in consideration of receiving and accessing the Creatlie APP, the user agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

Use of or access to the Creatlie APP shall constitute acceptance to the terms of the agreement to be bound by this Agreement.

If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, do not access the Creatlie APP. If you have questions about this Agreement, please contact us through Admin@creatlie.com

THIS AGREEMENT “Agreement” is entered into by you and between Creatlie and any individual, corporation, association, agency, company, or other entity who accesses or uses the Creatlie APP (the “User” or “you”).

corporation, association, agency, company, or other entity who accesses or uses the Creatlie APP (the “User” or “you”).

The Creatlie APP, is an App that enables creatives to interface with each other around the world. It also allows users to interface with us. The App is free to users but has 20% commission payable to Creatlie on monies earned by users interfacing and earning on the App. Users can gift each other various gifts as contained in the Creatlie App. The Creatlie App contains or may contain information, communications, opinions, text, graphics, links, electronic art, animations, audio, video, software, photos, music sound and other material and data (collectively, “Content”) formatted, organized and collected in a variety of forms that are generally accessible to Users, including directories and databases, and areas of the Creatlie APP that can be modified by users, such as uploading multimedia files, registering user profiles, and creating auto-notify.